Sunday, December 28, 2008

jeez. everything in here is so dreary.

well, to lighten the mood up a little bit, I got back from San Francisco. an interesting anecdote from the car ride back..

my dad was driving us back. we were on the freeway, going 90 miles an hour. suddenly, with no warning, traffic. my dad slams on the break pedal. I, being the idiot law-breaker of the family, was lying down on two seats in the middle of the car, with no seatbelt on.

I was "asleep". or napping. or trying to sleep. whatever I was doing, it was stopped. as soon as our car went to a halt, my body went flying. I hit the two front seats. my mom's response?


great to know that the Chinese food you bought this morning is more important than me. just fantastic. and yes, the food was okay. >.> I'm alright too. my sheep and my friend's sweater helped cushion the impact.

yay.. something to look forward to. the 30th.. haha. I'm really stupid. I still don't know what we're even gonna do. watching wall-e is about the only thing I have planned.

though.. most of the people coming are musicians. maybe I should ask them to bring their instruments? haha =) if anyone has suggestions, please tell me x_X I'm really scrapped for ideas.

and off to clean the house to prepare..

1 comment:

  1. What is it with parents and food? I fell down the stairs once and that's the first thing my mom asked, if the food was okay.
