Monday, February 23, 2009

track makes me feel like crap. not just because I feel incredibly inadequate in comparison to everyone else, but also because I'm trying my hardest and STILL falling behind the people who are barely trying.

I always wished that I could have been athletic. it seems a bit greedy of me to want to be good at everything, but truthfully, I'm quite competitive. in sports, I get very frustrated because of my inadequacy or lack of endurance. it doesn't help my self-esteem to constantly be last when running, feeling out-of-breath before the real practice even starts.

I keep questioning my decision to join.. when I think about it, I'm really no good. so why am I still there? why do I bother trying so hard when I'm just going to fail anyways? it's the same with everything: no matter how hard I try, I still end up on the bottom.

it doesn't matter what it's in anymore; everything has ended in failure. choir? I thought I was an alright singer, maybe even good, but I failed so hard at that. I failed to get solos when I wanted them. not everyone does.. but I really thought I had a chance with some of them. and music? even though I practice, my skills never seem to get any better. my friendships? some of them have withered and died, whereas some of them are the epitome of awkward turtle.

I can't help but think I'm a failure with everything weighing down on me. it feels like success isn't even a possibility anymore.. giving up seems like the only option I have.

oh, and sleep. something that's supposed to offer a reprieve from stress and life, and let me rest.. I've spent so many nights just lying down in bed, unable to fall asleep. I'm not talking about just one or two hours.. and I've been exhausted when I lie down, too. for three nights in a row, I'd try to sleep at 7PM, but I wouldn't fall asleep til 12AM or 1AM. and I had barely any sleep the night before those. I was so mentally and physically exhausted on Wednesday.. I didn't even realize I was crying until I felt the tears roll down my face. my voice was so monotone even when I was crying. I couldn't even walk without some kind of support. I didn't even go to school because I was so extremely exhausted..

my mom got into an argument again with me today because I "procrastinate and am always tired". it's not my fault that I can't fall asleep. does it look like I'm forcing myself to stay up when I want to sleep? why can't you understand that it's not my fault? why is it that you choose to ignore everything that happens to me, and expect me to fulfill the role of the son that you never cared for? you "care"; I'd like to see you genuinely care. the last time you showed that you cared was when my brother was on his deathbed. does it take death for you to realize that you haven't successfully done your job as a parent? will you push me to that point?

perhaps... but no... I made a promise...

what good is honoring that promise when I won't be able to be reprimanded after breaking it?

Friday, February 20, 2009

no good.

I wonder how long I can keep going. I already broke down yesterday.

the only reason why I'm still going is because I can't bear to break your heart. had I fully achieved my objective yesterday, that would have most definitely happened.

well.. I've kept my promise. for your sake, I hope I continue to do so.

"I am God's child,
set upon this decayed Earth.
how do I live on such a field?
this isn't why I was born..

my stride succumbs to a sudden gust of wind,
it seems like I'll fall any moment
but these chains won't allow it.

having surrendered up my heart to you,
my feelings for you now lay scattered about,
I still don't know how to pick them up..

talk more about your 'reasons'
until I fall asleep.
I'm swathed in medicine that doesn't work
here, there is no sound.
what should I believe in?

I am God's child,
these sounds of anguish leave scars on my back.
'I can't hang out in this world'
it's my only thought
I have no place anywhere..

discomfort, a bitterly cold wall;
what will be the next thing to weaken me?
don't reach out your hand, even in the end,
you, of all people, will rescue me from the silence.
and time will speed the pain.."
chihiro onitsuka // gekkou (moonlight)

Sunday, February 15, 2009

psychiatric ward.

my mom is talking to herself.

she is also slamming doors and in a cleaning frenzy.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009


I'm not even quite sure why I had a bad one yesterday, but because of it I couldn't sleep. so I ended up getting around three or so hours of sleep again, for the second day in a row.

I guess I should be getting used to it at this point, but I can't help but feel that my time spent helplessly wriggling in bed is a waste. true, it's in order to get me to sleep.. but what point is there in doing it when it takes hours for me to sleep? when the pain that haunts my body refuses to leave, offering me a brief reprieve for only so few hours at a time?

I said I'd be better, but it's so hard to when in this state, and when things are going badly. I've already suffered a nervous breakdown. I'm also not quite sure how well I can hide things anymore. I need to, not just for my own sake, but for others..

my mom picked me up yesterday from a friend's house. I asked her to come at 5:30PM, but she ended up arriving at nearly 7PM. why? because her coworker invited her along for dinner. it's great to know that your son is less important than your coworker's dinner outing. I suppose that it was best that she DID end up being late. but when I got into the car, she made a comment like, "Alex, how was your day? oh, I know already, it was okay; you're ALWAYS okay!". in truth, I had just recovered from a mental breakdown.

it really strikes me as strange.. just, how ignorant my parents are. how blind they are. how oblivious they are to the son that they have. how much they don't know and never will know. perhaps it's a form of self-induced neglect. or maybe just me being unreasonable; that in itself isn't too hard to believe.

to one person: I'm really quite curious as to whether or not what you told me various times was the truth. sure, I guess you won't read this, but it'll remind me to ask you.. not that I'll need the motivation to. but really... I wonder what convinced you that you and your family would be okay with it. in the event that it does happen, I wonder if it'll really be alright..

Friday, February 6, 2009


holy crap thank God.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

so, is this how it's going to be?

I'm sorry that I can no longer be your friend.

I'm sorry that things turned out the way that they did.

but I'm NOT sorry that I trust someone and want to be good friends with them. I don't see how that is problematic for our friendship when so many other people have more than what I have with this friend.

I know you probably won't read this, but I would prefer if you didn't drag other people into this.. I have enough trouble trying to be with my own friends. you told me that I need to stop being so unhappy.. but you ignore me utterly and completely. and this affects my other friendships with the friends we share.

I know it's greedy of me to ask it of you, especially considering that you're pissed off at me, but you know what? fine. I don't care anymore. I don't need any of those friends if they're going to simply ignore me and make me feel isolated when I'm trying my hardest to be happy. I don't need you.

just remember that you got mad at me. this is not like the last situation when a friend stopped talking to you; you caused this between us. if you want to be pissed off at me, fine. I don't care anymore. continuing to do so will only push me off the edge.

so long and farewell. hopefully we'll reconcile. if not, then that's too bad for us.

Monday, February 2, 2009


the bliss of solitude
offers us a brief moment of rest;
yet, it is a curse,
an unsightly blemish on the perfection we call "society"--

the loneliness soon mutates into doubt
and the ensuing feeling
brings a longing for companionship.

this ravenous desire
was eclipsed only by the yearning call of lust itself--
it threatened to destroy
the affinity.

"so long, farewell. may it make you happy to never see me again."

the words echoed in the caverns of my mind,
reverberating with growing intensity.

the self-induced seclusion
became too much to bear
as moist beads rolled down
the countenance of the sufferer.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

I was right.

happiness never lasts.