Sunday, January 11, 2009

always thinking about you.

"when the sun shines, we'll shine together,
told you I'll be here forever,
said I'll always be your friend,
took an oath, I'mma stick it out to the end"

[sometimes, I can't help but wonder.. if those words you spoke that day were true..]

"now that it's raining more than ever,
know that we still have each other,
you can stand under my umbrella,
you can stand under my umbrella.."

[do we really? I still feel that aching pain; that friendship in the past that caused me anguish.. is that preventing me from trusting people? from believing that they are there for me?
is it so hard for me to believe that you're my friend? that you'll be there for me? that despite what I believe, you're there for me..?]

"these fancy things,
will never come in between,
you're part of my entity,
here for infinity..."

[I wonder if we'll still be friends.. if you'll still be there for me.. when we're no longer a part of each other's lives.. when you'll be off somewhere else.. I wonder how our friendship will stand the test of time and space..]

"and when the war has took its part,
when the world has dealt its cards,
if the hand is hard,
together we'll mend your heart..."

[I question the validity of this.. though, you've disproved me before. all I can do, it seems, is to let you work your magic.. I really hope you do; otherwise, I don't know what I'll do..]

「umbrella」 // scott simons

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